

We know you get approached all the time with opportunities that sound - by and large - the same. It’s hard enough to distinguish one role from another - let alone obtain a list of technologies that any one client requires. That’s why we give you as much detail about a role as possible. We want to make your life that little bit easier.

Candidate chart S A L A R Y & B E N E F I T S L O C A T I O N P I C K U P N E W T E C H P E O P L E & C U L T U R E L A T E S T T E C H S T A C K I N T E R E S T I N G P R O D U C T N E W P R O J E C T S R E M O T E W O R K I N G C O M P A N Y O R B R A N D C A R E E R P R O G R E S S I O N
Use the wheel to tell us what motivates you about a role. Each category is scored one to five and you need to make a choice for each section. All you need to do is take 10 seconds filling it out and we’ll come back with suitable options. We’ll also offer impartial advice about which ones to pursue - so you can be confident that your new role suits your criteria

We ask you what makes the perfect job?

Our aim is to turn the recruitment process on its head, by asking you what you want from a new role – or what you like about your current one. Only then can we bring relevant opportunities forward. Our aim is to save you time. By completing the matrix (ours, not the actual one) we’re able to speed up conversations and fine-tune our search. Please note for your privacy no information is stored by our website. View our privacy notice here.

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