
The Most in Demand Jobs in Tech

The world of tech is constantly evolving, making it an exciting and challenging sector in which to forge a career. As the new year gets into its stride, you may well be considering your next move and could be wondering what area to focus on. Read on to discover which are the most in-demand tech jobs in the UK in 2022. 


Cloud focused careers 


The arrival of the Covid pandemic, forced organisations across all industries to accelerate their plans for digital transformation. Embracing cloud-based technologies became key to facilitating business continuity in the face of repeated lockdowns. Cloud based software enabled staff to work effectively and securely from home, and, having made the investments in new online platforms, many companies are looking at a future where they will need support for their new infrastructure. This means that roles relating to cloud computing will be a significant trend both this year and into the future. 


Those interested in forging a career in cloud computing will have plenty of roles to choose from, including jobs as a cloud architect or a cloud engineer. There will also be opportunities for candidates wishing to help companies achieve a smooth transition to cloud environments, project managing the digital transformation in order to minimise costly disruption during this sensitive period. 


Indeed, project management is set to be a key employment growth area in 2022. The Project Management Institute (PMI) estimates a staggering 22 million such roles will become available by 2027, around 170,000 of which will be in the UK [1]. Projects in the IT sector will vary in nature, but the prerequisites for securing these positions will include previous experience, together with a relevant professional qualification. 


Software development opportunities 


Another one of the most in demand tech jobs in the UK in 2022, those with software development skills will find no shortage of exciting opportunities this year. Despite some concerns, there are no indications that this profession will become oversaturated, as growth in demand continues to outpace the number of individuals with the right set of skills [2]. Indeed, growth in demand for software engineers and developers is four times higher than the average rate for job growth.  


In addition to designing, creating, testing and installing new software systems, roles in this area will also include the ongoing maintenance requirements, such as developing essential updates and patches. This is an area of IT where those who are self-taught can stand shoulder to shoulder with those who have a computer science degree. In fact, anyone hoping to work in this innovative arena will need to have a strong commitment to lifelong learning, as new technologies constantly emerge.  


Cyber security roles 


There is widespread recognition that cyber security is a key priority for organisations in all industries. The rise in cyber-crime has meant that IT professionals with the right skills can command some of the highest salaries in the sector [3]. Work in the cyber security domain can be varied and challenging and includes fascinating areas such as penetration testing, analysis, and consultancy. 


Again, as with software development, there is no requirement for a specific degree, with the most important criteria being an applicant's skill set and attitude. Enthusiasm and a passion for the sector is key: indeed, many successful cyber security specialists started out as hobbyist hackers in their teens. With widespread targeted attacks on infrastructure becoming a significant strategy in geopolitical conflicts, the importance of professionals with the necessary cyber security skills will only become more pronounced, ensuring that such roles are amongst the most in demand tech jobs in the UK in 2022. 


Finding Your Ideal Opportunity 


With such a wide variety of exciting tech opportunities, it can be tricky to identify which direction is right for you. This is where consulting with experts can be a good move, enabling you to clarify your career aspirations and put you in contact with the ideal vacancies.  


Nixor has the in-depth knowledge and experience of the tech sector that can transform your job search, helping you develop your career and achieve your dreams. With a specialism in software development roles, Nixor can ensure that you fulfil your potential in one of the most in demand and fastest growing tech jobs in the UK.