
Tips for Interviewing and Securing Your Next Developer

In such a high demand talent market, passive developer candidates want more from interviews than a technical skills test and questions to check they match what a company wants. They want to see that you are genuinely interested in them and their career. In a market where they are in such high demand, developers know that they could get a new job in the blink of an eye if they wanted, so you have to be able to win them over by showing a genuine interest in them and their goals.

Drop the classic two-part interview and introduce a three-part interview, saving you time and resources in the long term and ensuring that the offers you extend are actually accepted.

When you find yourself in a position where a candidate has performed strongly in the technical aspect of the interview and you see them fitting into your company and your business ethos, don’t forget the third part of the interview - getting to know them!

Get to (really) know your developer candidate

Take an extra thirty minutes to really get to know your candidate, talk with them about their career aspirations and what motivates them and discover how this fits into your business and the goals of your business. You may be confident that they have the right technical skills to confidently do the job in question, however in such a passive talent market, getting a candidate to really ‘want’ to work for you is essential to securing and retaining the best developer talent in the long run.

Learn more about their personality and what drives them, ask them questions such as: Who do you admire as a developer? What type of team atmosphere do you work best in? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What do you want to get out of this role and what do you want to learn? The answers you collate from this third part of the interview will help you to decipher whether the candidate suits the role in question and the wider company and will ultimately help you make your final decision.

We know what developers want

With over a decade’s worth of experience working closely with developers, we know that when they are considering a new role they want to know the in’s and out’s of what they will be doing on a day to day basis and what their career will look like down the line. They want to know all about what it’s like to work in your team and the exciting projects they will be working on.

We know the right questions to ask to fully understand their core motivations to ensure that they are joining you for all the right reasons. Working in partnership with you, once the developer joins our recruitment process, we talk to them on a daily basis so we can get to know them inside out to fully scope out their motivations and expectations as they change across their career.

If you’re looking to find the best developers in a high-demand market and you want to decrease your time spent on hiring, we’re the perfect partner to make this happen. When hiring using our 12-Step Process designed specifically to hire developers, we have an astounding 98% success rate.

To be able to successfully place and retain your next developer hire, you need to fully understand what they want and need during the interview stage. With our developer-specific knowledge and a collaborative working relationship, a partnership with Nixor works to your benefit as your recruitment process becomes less frustrating and more fruitful.

By taking the time to understand what you’re trying to achieve, and what it means to be employed at your company, we can translate this into “developer talk”, helping you find and secure candidates and ultimately retain your developers.

Speak to us today for more information on how Nixor can help you find the perfect candidate. Click here